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Tutorial: Create and Install a Package

Getting Started

Note the below steps are from a former katacoda tutorial (RIP katacoda) so your environment may differ slightly.

Available kubernetes playground options include killercoda, or local installations such as minikube or kind.

Installing kapp-controller dependencies

We’ll be using Carvel tools throughout this tutorial, so first we’ll install ytt, kbld, kapp, imgpkg, and vendir.

Install the tools with the scripts below:

chmod a+x ./

Optional: explore kapp

Before we install kapp-controller with kapp, you may be interested in seeing a different example of how kapp works.

You can skip this step if you want to get straight to kapp-controller.

First pull down the yaml for this example:


Then deploy a CronJob to the Kubernetes cluster in this environment:

kapp deploy -a hellocron -f cron-job.yml -y

Now take a look at the Kubernetes resources being managed by kapp:

kapp ls
kapp inspect -a hellocron --tree

We scheduled our CronJob to output a hello message every minute, so if you’re patient you’ll see new messages appended to the logs:

kapp logs -f -a hellocron

When you’re done watching the logs you can use control-c (^C) to quit.

Because this was an optional interlude, we can use kapp to uninstall the CronJob before proceeding:

kapp delete -a hellocron -y

I believe I was promised kapp-controller?

Use kapp to install kapp-controller (reconciliation may take a moment, which you could use to read about kubernetes controller reconciliation loops):

kapp deploy -a kc -f -y

Gaze upon the splendor!

kubectl get all -n kapp-controller

The kapp deployment is managing a replicaset which owns a service and a pod. The pod is running kapp-controller, which is a kubernetes controller running its own reconciliation loop.

kapp-controller introduces new Custom Resource (CR) types we’ll use throughout this tutorial, including PackageRepositories and PackageInstalls.

kubectl api-resources --api-group

You can see other kapp-controller CRs in other groups:

kubectl api-resources --api-group
kubectl api-resources --api-group

Creating a Package: Templating our config

We will be using ytt templates that describe a simple Kubernetes Deployment and Service. These templates will install a simple greeter app with a templated hello message.

Create a config.yml:

cat > config.yml << EOF
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")

#@ def labels():
simple-app: ""
#@ end

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  namespace: default
  name: simple-app
  - port: #@ data.values.svc_port
    targetPort: #@ data.values.app_port
  selector: #@ labels()
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  namespace: default
  name: simple-app
    matchLabels: #@ labels()
      labels: #@ labels()
      - name: simple-app
        - name: HELLO_MSG
          value: #@ data.values.hello_msg

and put our schema into values.yml:

cat > values.yml <<- EOF
#@schema/desc "Port number for the service."
svc_port: 80
#@schema/desc "Target port for the application."
app_port: 80
#@schema/desc "Name used in hello message from app when app is pinged."
hello_msg: stranger

Creating a Package: Structuring our contents

We’ll create an imgpkg bundle that contains the package contents: the configuration (config.yml and values.yml from the previous step) and a reference to the greeter app image (…).

The package bundle format describes the purpose of each directory used in this section of the tutorial as well as general recommendations.

Let’s create a directory with our configuration files:

mkdir -p package-contents/config/
cp config.yml package-contents/config/config.yml
cp values.yml package-contents/config/values.yml

Once we have the configuration figured out, let’s use kbld to record which container images are used:

mkdir -p package-contents/.imgpkg
kbld -f package-contents/config/ --imgpkg-lock-output package-contents/.imgpkg/images.yml

For more on using kbld to populate the .imgpkg directory with an ImagesLock, and why it is useful, see the imgpkg docs on the subject.

Once these files have been added, our package contents bundle is ready to be pushed!

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will run an unsecured local docker registry. In the real world please be safe and use appropriate security measures.

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2

From the terminal we can access this registry as localhost:5000 but within the cluster we’ll need the IP Address. To emphasize that you would normally use a repo host such as dockerhub or harbor we will store the IP address in a variable:

export REPO_HOST="`ifconfig | grep -A1 docker | grep inet | cut -f10 -d' '`:5000"

Now we can publish our bundle to our registry:

imgpkg push -b ${REPO_HOST}/packages/simple-app:1.0.0 -f package-contents/

You can verify that we pushed something called packages/simple-app by checking the Docker registry catalog:

curl ${REPO_HOST}/v2/_catalog

Creating the Custom Resources

To finish creating a package, we need to create two CRs. The first CR is the PackageMetadata CR, which will contain high level information and descriptions about our package.

When creating this CR, the api will validate that the PackageMetadata’s name is a fully qualified name: It must have at least three segments separated by . and cannot have a trailing ..

We’ll make a conformant metadata.yml file:

cat > metadata.yml << EOF
kind: PackageMetadata
  # This will be the name of our package
  displayName: "Simple App"
  longDescription: "Simple app consisting of a k8s deployment and service"
  shortDescription: "Simple app for demoing"
  - demo

Now we need to create a Package CR. This CR contains versioned instructions and metadata used to install packaged software that fits the description provided in the PackageMetadata CR we just saved in metadata.yml.

In order to create the Package CR with our OpenAPI Schema, we will export from our ytt schema:

ytt -f package-contents/config/values.yml --data-values-schema-inspect -o openapi-v3 > schema-openapi.yml

That command creates an OpenAPI document, from which we really only need the components.schema section for our Package CR.

cat > package-template.yml << EOF
#@ load("@ytt:data", "data")  # for reading data values (generated via ytt's data-values-schema-inspect mode).
#@ load("@ytt:yaml", "yaml")  # for dynamically decoding the output of ytt's data-values-schema-inspect
kind: Package
  name: #@ "" + data.values.version
  version: #@ data.values.version
  releaseNotes: |
        Initial release of the simple app package
    openAPIv3: #@ yaml.decode(data.values.openapi)["components"]["schemas"]["dataValues"]
      - imgpkgBundle:
          image: #@ "${REPO_HOST}/packages/simple-app:" + data.values.version
      - ytt:
          - "config/"
      - kbld:
          - ".imgpkg/images.yml"
          - "-"
      - kapp: {}

This Package contains some metadata fields specific to the version, such as releaseNotes and a valuesSchema. The valuesSchema shows what configurable properties exist for the version. This will help when users want to install this package and want to know what can be configured.

The other main component of this CR is the template section. This section informs kapp-controller of the actions required to install the packaged software, so take a look at the app-spec section to learn more about each of the template sections. For this example, we have chosen a basic setup that will fetch the imgpkg bundle we created in the previous section, run the templates stored inside through ytt, apply kbld transformations, and then deploy the resulting manifests with kapp.

There will also be validations run on the Package CR, so ensure that spec.refName and spec.version are not empty and that is <spec.refName>.<spec.version>. These validations are done to encourage a naming scheme that keeps package version names unique.

Creating a Package Repository

A package repository is a collection of packages (more specifically a collection of Package and PackageMetadata CRs). Our recommended way to make a package repository is via an imgpkg bundle.

The PackageRepository bundle format describes purpose of each directory and general recommendations.

Lets start by creating the needed directories:

mkdir -p my-pkg-repo/.imgpkg my-pkg-repo/packages/

we can copy our CR YAMLs from the previous step in to the proper packages subdirectory. Note that we are declaring the version and the openAPI schema file to ytt.

ytt -f package-template.yml  --data-value-file openapi=schema-openapi.yml -v version="1.0.0" > my-pkg-repo/packages/
cp metadata.yml my-pkg-repo/packages/

Next, let’s use kbld to record which package bundles are used:

kbld -f my-pkg-repo/packages/ --imgpkg-lock-output my-pkg-repo/.imgpkg/images.yml

With the bundle metadata files present, we can push our bundle to whatever OCI registry we plan to distribute it from, which for this tutorial will just be our same REPO_HOST.

imgpkg push -b ${REPO_HOST}/packages/my-pkg-repo:1.0.0 -f my-pkg-repo

The package repository is pushed!

You can verify by checking the Docker registry catalog:

curl ${REPO_HOST}/v2/_catalog

In the next steps we’ll act as the package consumer, showing an example of adding and using a PackageRepository with kapp-controller.

Adding a PackageRepository

kapp-controller needs to know which packages are available to install. One way to let it know about available packages is by creating a package repository. To do this, we need a PackageRepository CR:

cat > repo.yml << EOF
kind: PackageRepository
  name: simple-package-repository
      image: ${REPO_HOST}/packages/my-pkg-repo:1.0.0

(See our demo video and website for more typical usage with an external repository.)

This PackageRepository CR will allow kapp-controller to install any of the packages found within the ${REPO_HOST}/packages/my-pkg-repo:1.0.0 imgpkg bundle, which we stored in our docker OCI registry previously.

We can use kapp to apply it to the cluster:

kapp deploy -a repo -f repo.yml -y

Check for the success of reconciliation to see the repository become available:

watch kubectl get packagerepository

Once the simple-package-repository has a “Reconcile succeeded” description, we’re ready to continue! You can exit the watch by hitting control-c or clicking: ^C

Once the deploy has finished, we are able to list the package metadatas to see, at a high level, which packages are now available within our namespace:

kubectl get packagemetadatas

If there are numerous available packages, each with many versions, this list can become a bit unwieldy, so we can also list the packages with a particular name using the –field-selector option on kubectl get.

kubectl get packages --field-selector

From here, if we are interested, we can further inspect each version to discover information such as release notes, installation steps, licenses, etc. For example:

kubectl get package -o yaml

Installing a Package

Once we have the packages available for installation (as seen via kubectl get packages), we need to let kapp-controller know which package we want to install. To do this, we will need to create a PackageInstall CR (and a secret to hold the values used by our package):

cat > pkginstall.yml << EOF
kind: PackageInstall
  name: pkg-demo
  serviceAccountName: default-ns-sa
      constraints: 1.0.0
  - secretRef:
      name: pkg-demo-values
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: pkg-demo-values
  values.yml: |
    hello_msg: "to all my internet friends"

This CR references the Package we created in the previous sections using the package’s refName and version fields (see yaml from step 7). Do note, the versionSelection property has a constraints subproperty to give more control over which versions are chosen for installation. More information on PackageInstall versioning can be found here.

This yaml snippet also contains a Kubernetes secret, which is referenced by the PackageInstall. This secret is used to provide customized values to the package installation’s templating steps. Consumers can discover more details on the configurable properties of a package by inspecting the Package CR’s valuesSchema.

Finally, to install the above package, we will also need to create default-ns-sa service account (refer to Security model for explanation of how service accounts are used) that give kapp-controller privileges to create resources in the default namespace:

kapp deploy -a default-ns-rbac -f -y

Apply the PackageInstall using kapp:

kapp deploy -a pkg-demo -f pkginstall.yml -y

After the deploy has finished, kapp-controller will have installed the package in the cluster. We can verify this by checking the pods to see that we have a workload pod running. The output should show a single running pod which is part of simple-app:

kubectl get pods

Once the pod is ready, you can use kubectl’s port forwarding to verify the customized hello message has been used in the workload:

kubectl port-forward service/simple-app 3000:80 &

Now if we make a request against our service, we can see that our hello_msg values is being used:

curl localhost:3000


Visit to learn more about Carvel tools.

See the full docs for Package Management with kapp-controller

(Help improve our docs: edit this page on GitHub)